
Open Flash maintains a database with a wide range of test samples available at the open-flash-db GitHub organization: standalone movies, AVM1 bytecode, shapes, etc.

These tests are freely available for Open Source projects. The recommended method to add these tests to a project is to use Git submodules.


Standalone SWF files movies.


Standalone AVM1 byte code with expected output, parsed control flow graph, textual assembly.

These samples do not depend on SWF bindings, only the core language runtime. They can be used to test AVM implementations.


Binary files containing SWF tags and their corresponding parsed data as JSON.


Contains miscellaneous data structures from the SWF grammar. For each element, it provides binary data, the corresponding parsed data and an expected normalized binary output (when different from the input). Can be used to check parsers and emitters.


The registry is a list of SWF files publicly available on the internet.