[] → [function]


The length in the action header ignores the function body.

Adobe documentation


ActionDefineFunction2 is similar to ActionDefineFunction, with additional features that can help speed up the execution of function calls by preventing the creation of unused variables in the function’s activation object and by enabling the replacement of local variables with a variable number of registers. With ActionDefineFunction2, a function can allocate its own private set of up to 256 registers. Parameters or local variables can be replaced with a register, which is loaded with the value instead of the value being stored in the function’s activation object. (The activation object is an implicit local scope that contains named arguments and local variables. For further description of the activation object, see the ECMA-262 standard.)

ActionDefineFunction2 also includes six flags to instruct Flash Player to preload variables, and three flags to suppress variables. By setting PreloadParentFlag, PreloadRootFlag, PreloadSuperFlag, PreloadArgumentsFlag, PreloadThisFlag, or PreloadGlobalFlag, common variables can be preloaded into registers before the function executes (_parent, _root, super, arguments, this, or _global, respectively). With flags SuppressSuper, SuppressArguments, and SuppressThis, common variables super, arguments, and this are not created. By using suppress flags, Flash Player avoids pre- evaluating variables, thus saving time and improving performance.

No suppress flags are provided for _parent, _root, or _global because Flash Player always evaluates these variables as needed; no time is ever wasted on pre-evaluating these variables.

Specifying both the preload flag and the suppress flag for any variable is not allowed.

The body of the function that ActionDefineFunction2 specifies should use ActionPush and ActionStoreRegister for local variables that are assigned to registers. ActionGetVariable and ActionSetVariable cannot be used for variables assigned to registers.

Flash Player 6 release 65 and later supports ActionDefineFunction2.

Field Type Comment
ActionDefineFunction2 ACTIONRECORDHEADER ActionCode = 0x8E
FunctionName STRING Name of function, empty if anonymous
NumParams UI16 # of parameters
RegisterCount UI8 Number of registers to allocate, (from 0 to 254) up to 255 registers
PreloadParentFlag UB[1] 0 = Don’t preload _parent into register
1 = Preload _parent into register
PreloadRootFlag UB[1] 0 = Don’t preload _root into register
1 = Preload _root into register
SuppressSuperFlag UB[1] 0 = Create super variable
1 = Don't create super variable
PreloadSuperFlag UB[1] 0 = Don’t preload super into register
1 = Preload super into register
SuppressArgumentsFlag UB[1] 0 = Create arguments variable
1 = Don't create arguments variable
PreloadArgumentsFlag UB[1] 0 = Don’t preload arguments into register
1 = Preload arguments into register
SuppressThisFlag UB[1] 0 = Create this variable
1 = Don't create this variable
PreloadThisFlag UB[1] 0 = Don’t preload this into register
1 = Preload this into register
Reserved UB[7] Always 0
PreloadGlobalFlag UB[1] 0 = Don’t preload _global into register
1 = Preload _global into register
Parameters REGISTERPARAM[NumParams] See REGISTERPARAM, following
codeSize UI16 # of bytes of code that follow

REGISTERPARAM is defined as follows:

Field Type Comment
Register UI8 For each parameter to the function, a register can be specified. If the register specified is zero, the parameter is created as a variable named ParamName in the activation object, which can be referenced with ActionGetVariable and ActionSetVariable. If the register specified is nonzero, the parameter is copied into the register, and it can be referenced with ActionPush and ActionStoreRegister, and no variable is created in the activation object.
ParamName STRING Parameter name

The function body following an ActionDefineFunction2 consists of further action codes, just as for ActionDefineFunction.

Flash Player selects register numbers by first copying each argument into the register specified in the corresponding REGISTERPARAM record. Next, the preloaded variables are copied into registers starting at 1, and in the order this, arguments, super, _root, _parent, and _global, skipping any that are not to be preloaded. (The SWF file must accurately specify which registers will be used by preloaded variables and ensure that no parameter uses a register number that falls within this range, or else that parameter is overwritten by a preloaded variable.)

The value of NumParams should equal the number of parameter registers. The value of RegisterCount should equal NumParams plus the number of preloaded variables and the number of local variable registers desired.

For example, if NumParams is 2, RegisterCount is 6, PreloadThisFlag is 1, and PreloadRootFlag is 1, the REGISTERPARAM records will probably specify registers 3 and 4. Register 1 will be this, register 2 will be _root, registers 3 and 4 will be the first and second parameters, and registers 5 and 6 will be for local variables.