[objectName] → [null, ...propertieNames]

Abstract AS2


Adobe documentation


ActionEnumerate obtains the names of all “slots” in use in an ActionScript object—that is, for an object obj, all names X that could be retrieved with the syntax obj.X. ActionEnumerate is used to implement the for..in statement in ActionScript.

Note: Certain special slot names are omitted; for a list of these, search for the term DontEnum in the ECMA-262 standard.

ActionEnumerateACTIONRECORDHEADERActionCode = 0x46

ActionEnumerate does the following:

  1. Pops the name of the object variable (which can include slash-path or dot-path syntax) off of the stack.
  2. Pushes a null value onto the stack to indicate the end of the slot names.
  3. Pushes each slot name (a string) onto the stack.

The order in which slot names are pushed is undefined.