
ActionScript instanceof operator. Different from ECMA-262 (it supports interfaces).

Abstract AS2

@t0 = @pop();
@push(@pop() instanceof @t0);

Adobe documentation


ActionInstanceOf implements the ActionScript instanceof() operator. This is a Boolean operator that indicates whether the left operand (typically an object) is an instance of the class represented by a constructor function passed as the right operand.

Additionally, with SWF 7 or later, ActionInstanceOf also supports with interfaces. If the right operand constructor is a reference to an interface object, and the left operand implements this interface, ActionInstanceOf accurately reports that the left operand is an instance of the right operand.

ActionInstanceOfACTIONRECORDHEADERActionCode = 0x54

ActionInstanceOf does the following:

  1. Pops constr then obj off of the stack.
  2. Determines if obj is an instance of constr.
  3. Pushes the return value (a Boolean value) onto the stack.