
ECMA-262 less-than operator.

Abstract AS2

@t0 = @pop();
@push(@pop() < @t0);

Adobe documentation


ActionLess2 calculates whether arg1 is less than arg2 and pushes a Boolean return value to the stack. This action is similar to ActionLess, but performs the comparison differently according to the data types of the arguments. The abstract relational comparison algorithm in ECMA-262 Section 11.8.5 is used.

ActionLess2ACTIONRECORDHEADERActionCode = 0x48

ActionLess2 does the following:

  1. Pops arg1 off of the stack.
  2. Pops arg2 off of the stack.
  3. Compares arg2 < arg1.
  4. Pushes the return value (a Boolean value) onto the stack.