[] → []


This action defines "soft" regions. You can freely jump or fall-through at the end of each block and continue execution. The finally block or actions beyond the Try actions are not executed automatically: you have to jump or fall-through there manually. (TODO: I don't remember exactly how it behaves around return). When you first enter the try region, the throw checks are enabled. They are disabled once you leave the try region. They are not re-enabled if you jump out and then back in the try region. If an exception is thrown and the checks are enabled, then the recovery is triggered, moving the instruction pointer to the catch region (or finally region if there is no catch). If there is no catch or finally, the recovery does not happen: the error bubbles up, the instruction pointer is not moved after the Try action.

Adobe documentation


ActionTry defines handlers for exceptional conditions, implementing the ActionScript try, catch, and finally keywords.

Field Type Comment
ActionTry ACTIONRECORDHEADER ActionCode = 0x8F
Reserved UB[5] Always zero
CatchInRegisterFlag UB[1] 0 - Do not put caught object into register (insteadstore in named variable)
1 - Put caught object into register (do not store in named variable)
FinallyBlockFlag UB[1] 0 - No finally block
1 - Has finally block
CatchBlockFlag UB[1] 0 - No catch block
1 - Has catch block
TrySize UI16 Length of the try block
CatchSize UI16 Length of the catch block
FinallySize UI16 Length of the finally block
CatchName If CatchInRegisterFlag = 0, STRING Name of the catch variable
CatchRegister If CatchInRegisterFlag = 1, UI8 Register to catch into
TryBody UI8[TrySize] Body of the try block
CatchBody UI8[CatchSize] Body of the catch block, if any
FinallyBody UI8[FinallySize] Body of the finally block, if any

The CatchSize and FinallySize fields always exist, whether or not the CatchBlockFlag or FinallyBlockFlag settings are 1. The try, catch, and finally blocks do not use end tags to mark the end of their respective blocks. Instead, the length of a block is set by the TrySize, CatchSize, and FinallySize values.