PackageTop Level
Classpublic class String
InheritanceString Inheritance Object

Player version: Flash Player 5 — (became a native object in Flash Player 6, which improved performance significantly).

The String class is a wrapper for the string primitive data type, and provides methods and properties that let you manipulate primitive string value types. You can convert the value of any object into a string using the String() function.

All the methods of the String class, except for concat(), fromCharCode(), slice(), and substr(), are generic, which means the methods call toString() before performing their operations, and you can use these methods with other non-String objects.

Because all string indexes are zero-based, the index of the last character for any string x is x.length - 1.

You can call any of the methods of the String class using the constructor method new String or using a string literal value. If you specify a string literal, the ActionScript interpreter automatically converts it to a temporary String object, calls the method, and then discards the temporary String object. You can also use the String.length property with a string literal.

Do not confuse a string literal with a String object. In the following example, the first line of code creates the string literal first_string, and the second line of code creates the String object second_string:

var first_string:String = "foo" 
var second_string:String = new String("foo") 

Use string literals unless you specifically need to use a String object.

Public Properties
  length : Number
An integer specifying the number of characters in the specified String object.
 Properties inherited from class Object
 __proto__, __resolve, constructor, prototype
Public Methods
Creates a new String object.
Returns the character in the position specified by the parameter index.
Returns a 16-bit integer from 0 to 65535 that represents the character specified by index.
Combines the value of the String object with the parameters and returns the newly formed string; the original value, my_str, is unchanged.
[static]Returns a string comprising the characters represented by the Unicode values in the parameters.
indexOf(value:String, [startIndex:Number]):Number
Searches the string and returns the position of the first occurrence of value found at or after startIndex within the calling string.
lastIndexOf(value:String, [startIndex:Number]):Number
Searches the string from right to left and returns the index of the last occurrence of value found before startIndex within the calling string.
slice(start:Number, end:Number):String
Returns a string that includes the start character and all characters up to, but not including, the end character.
split(delimiter:String, [limit:Number]):Array
Splits a String object into substrings by breaking it wherever the specified delimiter parameter occurs and returns the substrings in an array.
substr(start:Number, length:Number):String
Returns the characters in a string from the index specified in the start parameter through the number of characters specified in the length parameter.
Returns a string comprising the characters between the points specified by the start and end parameters.
Returns a copy of this string, with all uppercase characters converted to lowercase.
Returns an object's properties as strings regardless of whether the properties are strings.
Returns a copy of this string, with all lowercase characters converted to uppercase.
Returns the primitive value of a String instance.
 Methods inherited from class Object
 addProperty, hasOwnProperty, isPropertyEnumerable, isPrototypeOf, registerClass, toString, unwatch, valueOf, watch
Property detail
public var length:Number

Player version: Flash Player 5

An integer specifying the number of characters in the specified String object.

Because all string indexes are zero-based, the index of the last character for any string x is x.length - 1.

The following example creates a new String object and uses String.length to count the number of characters:
var my_str:String = "Hello world!";
trace(my_str.length); // output: 12

The following example loops from 0 to my_str.length. The code checks the characters within a string, and if the string contains the @ character, true displays in the Output panel. The code checks the characters within a string, and if the string contains the @ character, true writes to the log file. If it does not contain the @ character, then false displays in the Output panel. If it does not contain the @ character, then false writes to the log file.

function checkAtSymbol(my_str:String):Boolean {
    for (var i = 0; i<my_str.length; i++) {
    if (my_str.charAt(i) == "@") {
        return true;
    return false;

trace(checkAtSymbol("")); // output: true
trace(checkAtSymbol("Chris")); // output: false

For another example, see the Flash Samples page at Download and decompress the Samples zip file and go to the ActionScript2.0\Strings folder to access the Strings.fla file.

Constructor detail
public function String(value:String)

Player version: Flash Player 5

Creates a new String object.

Note: Because string literals use less overhead than String objects and are generally easier to use, you should use string literals instead of the constructor for the String class unless you have a good reason to use a String object rather than a string literal.

value:String — The initial value of the new String object.
Method detail
public function charAt(index:Number):String

Player version: Flash Player 5

Returns the character in the position specified by the parameter index. If index is not a number from 0 to string.length - 1, an empty string is returned.

This method is similar to String.charCodeAt() except that the returned value is a character, not a 16-bit integer character code.

index:Number — An integer specifying the position of a character in the string. The first character is indicated by 0, and the last character is indicated by my_str.length-1.

String — The character at the specified index. Or an empty String if the specified index is outside the range of this String's indices.

See also

In the following example, this method is called on the first letter of the string "Chris":
var my_str:String = "Chris";
var firstChar_str:String = my_str.charAt(0);
trace(firstChar_str); // output: C

public function charCodeAt(index:Number):Number

Player version: Flash Player 5

Returns a 16-bit integer from 0 to 65535 that represents the character specified by index. If index is not a number from 0 to string.length - 1, NaN is returned.

This method is similar to String.charAt() except that the returned value is a 16-bit integer character code, not a character.

index:Number — An integer that specifies the position of a character in the string. The first character is indicated by 0, and the last character is indicated by my_str.length - 1.

Number — An integer that represents the character specified by index.

See also

In the following example, this method is called on the first letter of the string "Chris":
var my_str:String = "Chris";
var firstChar_num:Number = my_str.charCodeAt(0);
trace(firstChar_num); // output: 67

public function concat(value:Object):String

Player version: Flash Player 5

Combines the value of the String object with the parameters and returns the newly formed string; the original value, my_str, is unchanged.

value:Object — value1[,...valueN] Zero or more values to be concatenated.

String — A string.

The following example creates two strings and combines them using String.concat():
var stringA:String = "Hello";
var stringB:String = "World";
var combinedAB:String = stringA.concat(" ", stringB);
trace(combinedAB); // output: Hello World

public static function fromCharCode():String

Player version: Flash Player 5

Returns a string comprising the characters represented by the Unicode values in the parameters.

String — A string value of the specified Unicode character codes.

The following example uses fromCharCode() to insert an @ character in the e-mail address:
var address_str:String = "dog"+String.fromCharCode(64)+"";
trace(address_str); // output: 

public function indexOf(value:String, [startIndex:Number]):Number

Player version: Flash Player 5

Searches the string and returns the position of the first occurrence of value found at or after startIndex within the calling string. This index is zero-based, meaning that the first character in a string is considered to be at index 0--not index 1. If value is not found, the method returns -1.

value:String — A string; the substring to search for.
startIndex:Number [optional] — An integer specifying the starting index of the search.

Number — The position of the first occurrence of the specified substring or -1.

See also

The following examples use indexOf() to return the index of characters and substrings:
var searchString:String = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.";
var index:Number;

index = searchString.indexOf("L");
trace(index); // output: 0

index = searchString.indexOf("l");
trace(index); // output: 14

index = searchString.indexOf("i");
trace(index); // output: 6

index = searchString.indexOf("ipsum");
trace(index); // output: 6

index = searchString.indexOf("i", 7);
trace(index); // output: 19

index = searchString.indexOf("z");
trace(index); // output: -1

public function lastIndexOf(value:String, [startIndex:Number]):Number

Player version: Flash Player 5

Searches the string from right to left and returns the index of the last occurrence of value found before startIndex within the calling string. This index is zero-based, meaning that the first character in a string is considered to be at index 0--not index 1. If value is not found, the method returns -1.

value:String — The string for which to search.
startIndex:Number [optional] — An integer specifying the starting point from which to search for value.

Number — The position of the last occurrence of the specified substring or -1.

See also

The following example shows how to use lastIndexOf() to return the index of a certain character:
var searchString:String = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.";
var index:Number;

index = searchString.lastIndexOf("L");
trace(index); // output: 0

index = searchString.lastIndexOf("l");
trace(index); // output: 14

index = searchString.lastIndexOf("i");
trace(index); // output: 19

index = searchString.lastIndexOf("ipsum");
trace(index); // output: 6

index = searchString.lastIndexOf("i", 18);
trace(index); // output: 6

index = searchString.lastIndexOf("z");
trace(index); // output: -1

public function slice(start:Number, end:Number):String

Player version: Flash Player 5

Returns a string that includes the start character and all characters up to, but not including, the end character. The original String object is not modified. If the end parameter is not specified, the end of the substring is the end of the string. If the character indexed by start is the same as or to the right of the character indexed by end, the method returns an empty string.

start:Number — The zero-based index of the starting point for the slice. If start is a negative number, the starting point is determined from the end of the string, where -1 is the last character.
end:Number — An integer that is one greater than the index of the ending point for the slice. The character indexed by the end parameter is not included in the extracted string. If this parameter is omitted, String.length is used. If end is a negative number, the ending point is determined by counting back from the end of the string, where -1 is the last character.

String — A substring of the specified string.

See also

The following example creates a variable, my_str, assigns it a String value, and then calls the slice() method using a variety of values for both the start and end parameters. Each call to slice() is wrapped in a trace() statement that displays the output in the Output panel. Each call to the slice() method is wrapped in a trace() statement that sends the output to the log file.
// Index values for the string literal
// positive index:  0   1   2   3   4
// string:          L   o   r   e   m
// negative index: -5  -4  -3  -2  -1

var my_str:String = "Lorem";

// slice the first character
trace("slice(0,1): "+my_str.slice(0, 1)); // output: slice(0,1): L
trace("slice(-5,1): "+my_str.slice(-5, 1)); // output: slice(-5,1): L

// slice the middle three characters
trace("slice(1,4): "+my_str.slice(1, 4)); // slice(1,4): ore
trace("slice(1,-1): "+my_str.slice(1, -1)); // slice(1,-1): ore

// slices that return empty strings because start is not to the left of end
trace("slice(1,1): "+my_str.slice(1, 1)); // slice(1,1):
trace("slice(3,2): "+my_str.slice(3, 2)); // slice(3,2):
trace("slice(-2,2): "+my_str.slice(-2, 2)); // slice(-2,2):

// slices that omit the end parameter use String.length, which equals 5
trace("slice(0): "+my_str.slice(0)); // slice(0): Lorem
trace("slice(3): "+my_str.slice(3)); // slice(3): em

For another example, see the Flash Samples page at Download and decompress the Samples zip file and go to the ActionScript2.0\Strings folder to access the Strings.fla file.

public function split(delimiter:String, [limit:Number]):Array

Player version: Flash Player 5

Splits a String object into substrings by breaking it wherever the specified delimiter parameter occurs and returns the substrings in an array. If you use an empty string ("") as a delimiter, each character in the string is placed as an element in the array.

If the delimiter parameter is undefined, the entire string is placed into the first element of the returned array.

delimiter:String — A string; the character or string at which my_str splits.
limit:Number [optional] — The number of items to place into the array.

Array — An array containing the substrings of my_str.

See also

The following example returns an array with five elements:
var my_str:String = "P,A,T,S,Y";
var my_array:Array = my_str.split(",");
for (var i = 0; i<my_array.length; i++) {
// output:

The following example returns an array with two elements, "P" and "A":

var my_str:String = "P,A,T,S,Y";
var my_array:Array = my_str.split(",", 2);
trace(my_array); // output: P,A

The following example shows that if you use an empty string ("") for the delimiter parameter, each character in the string is placed as an element in the array:

var my_str:String = new String("Joe");
var my_array:Array = my_str.split("");
for (var i = 0; i<my_array.length; i++) {
// output:

For another example, see the Flash Samples page at Download and decompress the Samples zip file and go to the ActionScript2.0\Strings folder to access the Strings.fla file.

public function substr(start:Number, length:Number):String

Player version: Flash Player 5

Returns the characters in a string from the index specified in the start parameter through the number of characters specified in the length parameter. The substr method does not change the string specified by my_str; it returns a new string.

start:Number — An integer that indicates the position of the first character in my_str to be used to create the substring. If start is a negative number, the starting position is determined from the end of the string, where the -1 is the last character.
length:Number — The number of characters in the substring being created. If length is not specified, the substring includes all the characters from the start to the end of the string.

String — A substring of the specified string.

The following example creates a new string, my_str and uses substr() to return the second word in the string; first, using a positive start parameter, and then using a negative start parameter:
var my_str:String = new String("Hello world");
var mySubstring:String = new String();
mySubstring = my_str.substr(6,5);
trace(mySubstring); // output: world

mySubstring = my_str.substr(-5,5);
trace(mySubstring); // output: world

For another example, see the Flash Samples page at Download and decompress the Samples zip file and go to the ActionScript2.0\Strings folder to access the Strings.fla file.

public function substring(start:Number, end:Number):String

Player version: Flash Player 5

Returns a string comprising the characters between the points specified by the start and end parameters. If the end parameter is not specified, the end of the substring is the end of the string. If the value of start equals the value of end, the method returns an empty string. If the value of start is greater than the value of end, the parameters are automatically swapped before the function executes and the original value is unchanged.

start:Number — An integer that indicates the position of the first character of my_str used to create the substring. Valid values for start are 0 through String.length - 1. If start is a negative value, 0 is used.
end:Number — An integer that is 1+ the index of the last character in my_str to be extracted. Valid values for end are 1 through String.length. The character indexed by the end parameter is not included in the extracted string. If this parameter is omitted, String.length is used. If this parameter is a negative value, 0 is used.

String — A substring of the specified string.

The following example shows how to use substring():
var my_str:String = "Hello world";
var mySubstring:String = my_str.substring(6,11);
trace(mySubstring); // output: world

The following example shows what happens if a negative start parameter is used:

var my_str:String = "Hello world";
var mySubstring:String = my_str.substring(-5,5);
trace(mySubstring); // output: Hello

For another example, see the Flash Samples page at Download and decompress the Samples zip file and go to the ActionScript2.0\Strings folder to access the Strings.fla file.

public function toLowerCase():String

Player version: Flash Player 5

Returns a copy of this string, with all uppercase characters converted to lowercase. The original string is unmodified.

This method converts all characters (not simply A-Z) for which Unicode lowercase equivalents exist. These case mappings are defined in the UnicodeData.txt file and the SpecialCasings.txt file, as defined in the Unicode Character Database specification.

String — A string.

See also

The following example creates a string with all uppercase characters and then creates a copy of that string using toLowerCase() to convert all uppercase characters to lowercase characters:
var upperCase:String = "LOREM IPSUM DOLOR";
var lowerCase:String = upperCase.toLowerCase();
trace("upperCase: " + upperCase); // output: upperCase: LOREM IPSUM DOLOR
trace("lowerCase: " + lowerCase); // output: lowerCase: lorem ipsum dolor

For another example, see the Flash Samples page at Download and decompress the Samples zip file and go to the ActionScript2.0\Strings folder to access the Strings.fla file.

public function toString():String

Player version: Flash Player 5

Returns an object's properties as strings regardless of whether the properties are strings.

String — The string.

The following example outputs an uppercase string that lists all of an object's properties, regardless of whether the properties are strings:
var employee:Object = new Object(); = "bob";
employee.salary = 60000; = 284759021;

var employeeData:String = new String();
for (prop in employee) 
    employeeData += employee[prop].toString().toUpperCase() + " ";

If the toString() method were not included in this code, and the line in the for loop used employee[prop].toUpperCase(), the output would be "undefined undefined BOB". Including the toString() method produces the desired output: "284759021 60000 BOB".

public function toUpperCase():String

Player version: Flash Player 5

Returns a copy of this string, with all lowercase characters converted to uppercase. The original string is unmodified.

This method converts all characters (not simply a-z) for which Unicode uppercase equivalents existThese case mappings are defined in the UnicodeData.txt file and the SpecialCasings.txt file, as defined in the Unicode Character Database specification.

String — A string.

See also

The following example creates a string with all lowercase characters and then creates a copy of that string using toUpperCase():
var lowerCase:String = "lorem ipsum dolor";
var upperCase:String = lowerCase.toUpperCase();
trace("lowerCase: " + lowerCase); // output: lowerCase: lorem ipsum dolor
trace("upperCase: " + upperCase); // output: upperCase: LOREM IPSUM DOLOR

For another example, see the Flash Samples page at Download and decompress the Samples zip file and go to the ActionScript2.0\Strings folder to access the Strings.fla file.

public function valueOf():String

Player version: Flash Player 5

Returns the primitive value of a String instance. This method is designed to convert a String object into a primitive string value. Because Flash Player automatically calls valueOf() when necessary, you rarely need to explicitly call this method.

String — The value of the string.

The following example creates a new instance of the String class and then shows that the valueOf method returns the primitive value, rather than a reference to the new instance.
var str:String = new String("Hello World");
var value:String = str.valueOf();
trace(str instanceof String); // true
trace(value instanceof String); // false
trace(str === value); // false