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false — Constant property
A unique Boolean value that represents the opposite of true.
fileList — Property in class
An array of FileReference objects.
FileReference — Class in package
The FileReference class provides a means to upload and download files between a user's computer and a server.
FileReference() — Constructor in class
Creates a new FileReference object.
FileReferenceList — Class in package
The FileReferenceList class provides a means to let users select one or more files for uploading.
FileReferenceList() — Constructor in class
Creates a new FileReferenceList object.
fillRect(rect:Rectangle, color:Number) — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData
Fills a rectangular area of pixels with a specified ARGB color.
filters — Property in class Button
An indexed array containing each filter object currently associated with the button.
filters — Property in class MovieClip
An indexed array containing each filter object currently associated with the movie clip.
filters — Property in class TextField
An indexed array containing each filter object currently associated with the text field.
findText(startIndex:Number, textToFind:String, caseSensitive:Boolean) — Method in class TextSnapshot
Searches the specified TextSnapshot object and returns the position of the first occurrence of textToFind found at or after startIndex.
firstChild — Property in class XMLNode
Evaluates the specified XML object and references the first child in the parent node's child list.
flash.display — Package
The flash.display package contains the core classes that the Flash Player uses to build visual displays.
flash.external — Package
The flash.external package contains the ExternalInterface class which can be used to communicate with the Flash Player's container.
flash.filters — Package
The flash.filters package contains classes for bitmap filter effects.
flash.geom — Package
The flash.geom package contains geometry classes, such as points, rectangles and transformation matrixes, to support the BitmapData class and the bitmap caching feature. — Package
The package contains classes for sending and receiving from the network, such as URL downloading and Flash Remoting.
flash.text — Package
The flash.text package contains classes for working with text fields, text formatting, text metrics, style sheets, and layout.
floodFill(x:Number, y:Number, color:Number) — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData
Performs a flood fill operation on an image starting at an (x, y) coordinate and filling with a certain color.
floor(x:Number) — Static method in class Math
Returns the floor of the number or expression specified in the parameter x.
flush([minDiskSpace:Number]) — Method in class SharedObject
Immediately writes a locally persistent shared object to a local file.
focusEnabled — Property in class MovieClip
Specifies whether you can programmatically assign focus to a movie clip using Selection.setFocus().
_focusrect — Property in class Button
A Boolean value that specifies whether a button has a yellow rectangle around it when it has keyboard focus.
_focusrect — Global property
Property (global); specifies whether a yellow rectangle appears around the button or movie clip that has keyboard focus.
_focusrect — Property in class MovieClip
A Boolean value that specifies whether a movie clip has a yellow rectangle around it when it has keyboard focus.
font — Property in class TextFormat
The name of the font for text in this text format, as a string.
for — Statement
Evaluates the init (initialize) expression once and then starts a looping sequence.
forceSmoothing — Property in class MovieClip
A Boolean value that determines whether images that are added through the loadMovie() method and are in the same hierarchy level as the movie clip are smoothed when scaled. — Statement
Iterates over the properties of an object or elements in an array and executes the statement for each property or element.
fps — Property in class Camera
The maximum rate at which you want the camera to capture data, in frames per second.
_framesloaded — Property in class MovieClip
The number of frames that are loaded from a streaming SWF file.
framesPerPacket — Property in class Microphone
Number of Speex speech frames transmitted in a packet (message).
fromCharCode() — Static method in class String
Returns a string comprising the characters represented by the Unicode values in the parameters.
fscommand(command:String, parameters:String) — Global function
Lets the SWF file communicate with either Flash Player or the program hosting Flash Player, such as a web browser.
fullScreenHeight — Static property in class Stage
Returns the height of the monitor that will be used when going to full screen size, if that state is entered immediately.
fullScreenSourceRect — Static property in class Stage
Sets Flash Player to scale a specific region of the stage to full-screen mode.
fullScreenWidth — Static property in class Stage
Returns the width of the monitor that will be used when going to full screen size, if that state is entered immediately.
function — Statement
Comprises a set of statements that you define to perform a certain task.
Function — Dynamic class in Top Level
Both user-defined and built-in functions in ActionScript are represented by Function objects, which are instances of the Function class.
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